012 领带还是领结 Tie or Bow Tie

012 领带还是领结 Tie or Bow Tie

2016-01-24    00'50''

主播: 湘飒沁笙

82 1

The son broke the glass while playing . 儿子在屋里玩,一不小心把镜子打碎了。 What shall I do?Dad would spank me for this. 怎么办?爸爸知道了肯定会揍我。 Hey!I got it. 对了,有办法了! Cleaning up the shattered glasses,he began painting in the glass frame. 把玻璃碎片清理干净后,儿子开始在镜框里作画。 "Son,does this tie look OK?" "儿子,这条领带怎么样,好看吗?” “Wait!My tie becomes a bow tie in the mirror……” “咦,领带在镜子里变成了领结……”