头脑特工队Inside out 006

头脑特工队Inside out 006

2016-10-04    03'28''

主播: 湘飒沁笙

73 5

What?let's review top5 daydreams 什么? 让我们重温一下最好的五个白日梦 WOO!that looks safe. 喔,那个看起来安全. That's looks nice. 那个看起来漂亮. oh.This will be great for Riley. Oh!No.no.no.......this one 哦,这个莱莉一定喜欢,哦!不.不.不......这个 Joy for the last time.She can not live in a cookie. 乐乐,最后说一次她不能住在饼干屋里。 That's the one: It comes with a dragon 这个好,还有条龙 Are we getting close? I can feel it 到了吗?我能感觉到。 Here it is.Here's our new house. 到了我们的新家。 Maybe . It's nice on the inside. 也许里面会很漂亮。 We're suppose to live here? 我们就住在这儿。 Do we have to ? 必须的吗? I'm telling you. It smells that something died in here. 听我说这里有什么死掉的东西的气味。 Can you die from moving? 你会死于搬家? Guys.you are overreacting. 伙计们不要反应过激。 Nobody is dying .A dead mouse. 没人死了,一只死老鼠罢了。 Great.I'm gonna be sick. 我恶心死了。 It's a house of the dead,what're we gonna do ? 这是一个死尸之屋、怎么办? We're gonna get rabies. 我们要得狂犬病了。 Get off from me. 别碰我 Hey. Hey. Hey.All through the drive. 嗨嗨嗨、一路上 Dad talked about how cool our new room is. 爸爸都在说新家是多么酷。 Let's go check it out.It's gonna be great. 让我们先巡视一下,好主意。 No.no.no.......I'm starting to envy the dead mouse. 不不不......我开始羡慕那只死老鼠了。 Get out the rubber ball. 把橡皮球拿出来, We're in solitary confinement 我们要被单独囚禁了。