

2016-05-04    10'40''

主播: 爱.英语

1016 23

The Tale of Peter Rabbit follows the mischievous and disobedient young Peter Rabbit as he is chased about the garden of Mr. McGregor. He hides in a watering can in a shed, sneaks past a cat, and loses his jacket and shoes. Peter escapes and returns home to his mother who puts him to bed after dosing him with camomile tea. The tale was written for five-year-old Noel Moore, son of Potter's former governess Annie Carter Moore, in 1893. It was revised and privately printed by Potter in 1901 after several publishers' rejections, until it was published in 1902. The book was a success, has been translated into 36 languages, and with 45 million copies sold it is one of the best-selling books of all time. This edition is limited to 1,000 copies. 彼得兔不听从妈妈的指示,溜进了麦奎格先生的菜园,顽皮的彼得兔拼命地偷吃麦奎格所种的蔬菜。糟糕的是,彼得兔被发现了,所以他赶快逃跑。逃跑当中,彼得兔把他的蓝夹克和鞋子都弄丢了。最后,麦奎格用彼得兔留下的夹克与鞋子,做了一个稻草人放在菜园当中。