1、assimilate /əˈsɪm.ə.leɪt/ v. 同化,吸收
英文释义: to become part of a group, country, society, etc., or to make someone or something become part of a group, country, society, etc.
2) 词根:simil- 类似,一样
3)后缀:-ate 动词后缀
2、anonymous /əˈnɑː.nə.məs/ adj.匿名的
英文释义: made or done by someone whose name is not known or not made public
1) 前缀:an- 表示否定 额外扩展:anarchism 无政府主义
2) 词根:onym- 名字
3)后缀:-ous 形容词后缀
3、assassinate /əˈsæs.ə.neɪt/ v.暗杀
英文释义: to kill someone famous or important:
1) 词汇:ass 屁股
2) 词汇:in
3) 词汇:ate 吃(eat) 过去式
4、apparatus /ˌæp.əˈræt̬.əs/ n.仪器,设备,装置
英文释义:a set of equipment or tools or a machine that is used for a particular purpose
1) 前缀:ap- 表示to
2) 词根:par- 表示准备(prepare) 换个角度:para- (paragraph/biography)
3) 后缀:-atus 复合名词后缀