

2017-05-08    10'13''

主播: 铅笔英语

80 19

1、cape /keɪp/ n. 斗篷,披肩 英文释义:a type of loose coat without sleeves that is fastened at the neck and hangs from the shoulders 词汇助记: 1) 回想:escape 2) 前缀:es-表示ex- 向外 2、calcium /ˈkæl.si.əm/ n. 钙 英文释义:a chemical element that is present in teeth, bones, and chalk 词汇助记: 1) 词根:calc- 石头(calc —chalk) 2)后缀:-ium 名词后缀 3)扩展:calculate/calcify 3、candidate /ˈkæn.dɪ.deɪt/ n. 候选人 英文释义:a person who is competing to get a job or elected position 词汇助记: 1) 词根:cand- 表示白 2) 后缀:-idate 后缀 3)扩展:candid adj. 坦率的,直率的 4、brittle /ˈbrɪt̬.əl/ adj. 易碎的,脆弱的 英文释义: to become pink in the face, usually from embarrassment 词汇助记: 1) 拆分:br+ ittle 2) 联系:br—break; ittle—little