

2017-05-15    03'45''

主播: 铅笔英语

60 19

1、concussion /kənˈkʌʃ.ən/ n. 脑震荡 英文释义:temporary damage to the brain caused by a fall or hit on the head or by violent shaking • 词汇助记: 1) 前缀:con-全部,共同,所有 2) 词根:cuss- 摇动 2、abhor /æbˈhɔːr/ v. 憎恨 • 英文释义: to hate a way of behaving or thinking, often because you think it is not moral: • 词汇助记: 1) 前缀:ab- 否定 2) 词根:hor-颤抖,害怕 3)后缀:abhorrent 3、abridge /əˈbrɪdʒ/ v. 删减 • 英文释义: to make a book, play, or piece of writing shorter by removing details and information that is not important: • 词汇助记: 1) 前缀:a-表示ad-,表示to 2)词汇:bridge 桥梁