

2017-06-29    02'26''

主播: 铅笔英语

58 14

Nick: Hi everybody, this is Nick. Welcome to teaching series “how do you say this in American English.” Nick:大家好,我是Nick. Brad:大家好,我是Brad 欢迎大家订阅查看微信公众号“ 铅笔英语”,有更多精彩免费内容。同时如果大家有什么想学的表达,可以在评论留言告诉我,或者在新浪微博@黄宏敏Nick私信告诉我。 上期呢,我们讲了废话怎么说,叫一个语气词duh就可以代替。那胡说八道怎么说?胡说八道和废话意思不同,胡说八道是说你说的很不符合实际的一些话,叫胡说八道。 Nick: Hey Brad, did the grade come out? Brad: What grade? Nick: Uh, I’m sorry. Didn’t make it clear. The grade for your Chinese class. Brad: Oh come on dude. Let’s not talk about it. Nick: What? What happened? You flunked? Or just bombed? Brad: I didn’t flunk out on it. I didn’t get the score I wanted. I worked hard on this but I only got a A-. Nick: Wow. What score do you need to get an A? Brad: Like 0.5 of a percent. What’s bullshit is that the course has a curve in it.. but only for people with D’s and C’s. It just nonsense that I worked hard for that A and the people who didn’t turn homework in get the curve?! It’s complete nonsense!! Nick: I feel ya bro. But still you did a good job. Keep up the good work though. Brad: I definitely will! Thanks Nick! Nick: No problem. 在这里,胡说八道用一个nonsense ,稍微俗气一点可以叫bullshit. 说一个胡说八道的东西,你觉得不是实际的东西。大家一定要做好区别,这里和废话不同。废话是指大家都知道的一个东西,而胡说八道是大家不一定知道。胡说八道的侧重点在于,你说了一些令人感到摸不着头脑或者是很无理取闹的感觉。一定要区分好。很多人会把废话和胡说八道用混。废话是duh,表示,“当然啦,不用说的”的意思。胡说八道是Nonsense or bullshit. So this is pretty much it for this time, I’ll see you guys next time, bye. Brad:再见