

2018-12-28    06'20''

主播: 燕子老师讲故事~

1660 5

“I’m too small!” wailed Puppy. “我太小了!”小狗哭着说。 “I can’t reach the doorknob.” “我够不到门把手。”  “But you can reach the cookies on the table.” said Mouse. “但是你可以够到桌子上的饼干。”小老鼠说。  “Please share one with me.” “请分给我一块。” And Puppy did. 小狗就那么做了。  “I’m too small!” wailed Puppy. “我太小了!”小狗哭着说。 “I can’t pull my toy box.” “我拽不动我的玩具箱子”  “But you can pull my wagon full of dear ones,” “但是你能拽动装满我的宝贝的推车,” Mrs. Bunny said,“Would you?” 兔子太太说。“可以吗?” And Puppy did. 小狗就那么做了。  “I’m too small!” wailed Puppy. “我太小了!”小狗哭着说。 “I can’t climb the tree.” “我爬不上这棵树。”  “But you can swing from it,” said Squirrel. “但是你可以在上面荡秋千,”松鼠说。 “Please swing with me.” “请和我一起荡秋千吧。” And Puppy did. 小狗就那么做了。  “I’m too small!” wailed Puppy. “我太小了!”小狗哭着说。 “I can’t dig a hole big enough to play in.” “我不能挖一个足够大的洞在里面玩。”  Chipmunk said, “This is just right for my acorns. 花栗鼠说,“这里正好可以放我的橡果子。 Will you let me use it?” 你能把它给我用吗?” And Puppy did. 小狗就那么做了。  “I’m too small!” wailed Puppy. “我太小了!”小狗哭着说。 “I can’t hammer on the workbench.” “我不能在工作台上敲打。”  “You can fit under it and fix the leg,” Daddy said. “你可以在桌子下面修理这条桌子腿,”爸爸说。 “Will you?” “可以吗?” And Puppy did. 小狗就那么做了。  “I’m too small!” wailed Puppy. “我太小了!”小狗哭着说。 “I can’t carry my chair.” “我拿不动我的椅子。”  “But you can carry my sewing basket,” said Grandma. “但是你能拿动我的缝纫袋子,”奶奶说。 “Please do.” “请吧。” And Puppy did. 小狗就那么做了。  Mama helped Puppy get ready for bed.  妈妈帮助小狗准备上床睡觉。 “Today,” she said,” you have reached a cookie on the table, pulled a wagon full of dear ones, swung on a swing, dug a hole for acorns, fixed a leg on the workbench, and carried a sewing basket. Do you know why?” “今天,”她说,“你够到了桌子上的饼干,拽动了装满小可爱的手推车,荡起了秋千,为橡果子挖了一个洞,修好了工作台的一条桌子腿,并且拿动了一个缝纫袋子。你知道为什么吗?”  “Why?” asked Puppy. “为什么?”小狗问。 “Because you are just the right size!” said Mama. “因为你现在个头刚刚好!”妈妈说。 And she gave Puppy a hug, a kiss, and a squeeze. 然后她给了小狗一个拥抱,一个亲吻,和一个紧紧的拥抱。