PS 68 我爱着绿色小岛

PS 68 我爱着绿色小岛

2022-11-02    02'22''

主播: Ananda Marga王者之王瑜伽

107 0

I love this tiny green island surrounded by the sea. Touched by the sea, decorated by the sea. I love this tiny green island surrounded by the sea. Am I a secluded figure, in the vast, a little a meagre? No, no, no, no, I'm not alone. Great is with me. The great is with me. 我愛這綠色小島, 大海環繞著它, 大海輕拍著它, 大海綴飾著它, 我愛這綠色小島 大海環繞著它; 我是孤立無援的人嗎? 如滄海之一粟, 不不不 我並不孤獨, 祂與我同在, 祂與我同在, 我愛這綠色小島 大海環繞著它……