ÁJKERA EI SHISHU TARU PHALE PHULE PATRAPUNJE D́HEKE DEVE TAPTA MARU ÁJKERA EI SHISHU TARU JAL SINCANE MAMATÁR D́ÁKE ÁMRÁ SABÁI BÁNCÁBO TOMÁKE JALE JHAŔE ROGE SAB UPASARGE TAVA SÁTHE MORÁ ÁCHI TARU ÁJKERA EI SHISHU TARU ÚŚAR DHUSAR D́HÁKÁ PAŔE JÁK MARU TRIŚIKÁ LIIN HOYE JÁK SHYÁMALE KOMALE CHEYE JÁK SAB VISHVER JATA ÁCHE MARU ÁJKERA EI SHISHU TARU 今日柔嫩的綠枝 有一天 將長成大樹 This tender plants of today 以花果樹葉 with their fruits and flowers and leaves. 遮蔽乾旱不毛的沙漠 will one day cover the arid desert 讓我們用愛來澆灌 Watering them with the call of love 保護它們免受風雨摧害 We shall all protect them in rains and storms, 免受天災人禍及疾病的侵襲 In disease and in all calamity. 哦 樹啊 我們與你同在 Oh tree, we are always with you, 請讓灰暗乾旱的土地 覆蓋新綠 Let this grey and arid earth be covered with fresh green. 解除沙漠的乾渴 Let the desert thirst be quenched. 讓宇宙間的每處不毛之地 Let all the deserts of this universe 充滿青翠綠意之美 Everywhere be filled with verdant beauty. The tender plants of today.