4815 祢永远在我的禅定里

4815 祢永远在我的禅定里

2022-12-17    05'24''

主播: Ananda Marga王者之王瑜伽

214 1

您将我遺落在麈土中 You left me stranded on the dust, uncared for, 如落花般的忽视 As if You slighted a falien flower 會幾何時 戴著皇冠,日夜高坐在聖壇的我 I was on the altar, crowned day and night 如今卻深落麈灰 Now I have come down, grey all over with dust. 您在我生命中 您在我心靈裡 You were in my life, you were in my mind 您永遠在我禪定裡 哦 我的主啊您是屬性的至上海洋 You shall remain ever in my meditation, 0 infinite ocean of attributes. 我什麼都不要 縱然是給予 我亦不取 I seek nothing from You, nor will I accept anything if offered, 只請您坐近我 一瞥您的微笑在禪定中 哦 迷人的心靈魔術師 I have only one desire - to glimpse your smile in my dhyána, 0 charming Lord