1494 请来到我灵魂深处

1494 请来到我灵魂深处

2022-12-17    04'42''

主播: Ananda Marga王者之王瑜伽

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在芬芳的微風中 請您來到我心中甜美的花園 In fragrant breeze, into the sweet grove of my mind. 哦 我心之主啊 請您悄悄地降臨 O the king of my mind, please come. secretly. 沒有人知道我內心深處的修持 No one will know about this sadhana of the inmost heart. 您悄悄地來到我靈魂深處 this coming and going, silently, to and from the depths of my soul. 在理念波流的聖壇上 我為您獻上花環 I have kept a garland, threaded, on the pedestal of my contemplation. 每一朵花瓣都為您灑上檀香精油 I have enwrapped each petal of the flowers with the paste of sandalwood 默默地等待著您 連睡眠也忘了 I keep sitting, in silence, have forgotten to drowse. 心中滿懷喜悅的波流 安住在您神性的住所 I live in Your divine abode with blissful thoughts of you. 無需香燭和裝飾 Incense, lamp, floor-drawings - nothing will be required. 只有在不断的持念中心心相印 One mind will keep worshipping to catch hold of another Mind. 透過靜坐 默持梵咒和對您的愛 Through meditation, silent incantation love, and the colour of affection. 我的心靈將染上您的波動色彩 I will get myself hued with your vibrations.