3875  我们相互认识是永恒的

3875 我们相互认识是永恒的

2023-01-02    06'29''

主播: Ananda Marga王者之王瑜伽

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SONG IN ROMAN SCRIPT Báhir Vishve Dhará Dáo Náko Marme Lukiye Tháko Tumi Marme Tháko Ke Cáy Ke Ná Cáy Kabhu Bhávo Náko Sabáre Nikat́e D́áko Tumi Marme Tháko Graha Tárá Ravi Bhúdhar At́avii Kriśńa Kájale Nayanero Chavi Vishuśka Maru Ghana Shyáma Taru Mádhurii Te Sabe D́háko Tomár Ámár Ei Jáná Jáni Ameya Upale Sháshvata Máni Dharańiira Dhúli Pákhira Kákalii Priiti Cetanáy Mákho Tumi Marme Tháko In the external world, You keep eluded our grasp. You hide in a corner of my heart. You do not discriminate between who loves You and who loves You not. You keep calling all near You. The stars, the planets, the sun the mountains, the forest the dark and decorated pupils of eyes the dry desert, the deep green trees are all filled with Your sweetness. This mutual awareness of ours I consider eternal. The immeasurable mountain the dust of the earth and the chirping of birds are all smeared with Your loving consciousness. 在外在的世界里,祢一直逃避我们的掌握。 祢藏在我心里的某个角落。 祢不歧视在爱祢和不爱祢的人之间 祢一直在呼唤所有靠近祢的人。 星星,行星,太阳,山脉,森林 黑色和装饰的瞳孔 干燥的沙漠,深深的绿树 都充满了祢的甜蜜 我们的这种相互认识 我认为是永恒的。 万丈高山大地的尘埃 还有鸟儿的鸣叫 都沾满了祢神圣的爱…… (翻译软件翻译词)