E.29 睡个好觉太难了!

E.29 睡个好觉太难了!

2023-12-26    71'20''

主播: 万物生长FM

790 2

似乎每个人都知道睡觉很重要,一个人的一生中超过1/3以上的时间都在睡觉,众多科学研究表明,睡眠质量与人体健康有着密不可分的关系。 似乎每个人都为睡眠困扰过,《中国睡眠研究报告2023》显示,目前中国有近3亿人存在失眠问题,还有许多人认为自己睡眠之后,并没有达到养精蓄锐的效果。 似乎每过一段时间就有睡眠方式被讨论,前有某CEO建议年轻人少睡觉,后有北大博士建议睡1.5小时的倍数,还有中医讲的子时之前必须睡觉…… 这一期我们来聊聊有关睡眠的那些事,由于睡眠跟我们每个人息息相关,科学研究众多,本期我们讲的研究中是我们认为证据等级更高的研究,如果你有不同见解,欢迎在评论区留言。 这一期我们大概聊了: 先聊一聊自己的睡眠情况和状态 到底睡多久合适? 我们都知道睡少了不好,那睡多了对健康有好处吗? 什么是黄金睡眠U型曲线? 睡眠不足对健康有危害,它的作用机制是什么? 不得不聊聊咖啡与睡眠 咖啡提的“神”,是怎么来的? 咖啡提神,终究需要我们“偿还” 也聊一聊喝酒与睡眠 饮酒没有安全剂量,一滴都会危害健康 最后分享一些我们各自的睡眠小妙招吧 反向意念法助眠怎么操作? 睡前真忍不住玩手机,怎么玩合适? 什么睡眠姿势更合适? 更多的小技巧大家也来分享一些吧。 参考资料: Forthun I, Eliassen KER, Emberland KE and Bjorvatn B (2023) The association between selfreported sleep problems, infection, and antibiotic use in patients in general practice. Front. Psychiatry 14:1033034. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1033034 Alcorta, C. S., & Sosis, R. (2005). Ritual, emotion, and sacred symbols: The evolution of religion as an adaptive complex. Human Nature, 16, 323–359. Andre, C. J., Lovallo, V., & Spencer, R. (2021). The effects of bed sharing on sleep: From partners to pets. Sleep Health, 7(3), 314–323. Brody, S., & Krüger, T. H. (2006). The post-orgasmic prolactin increase following intercourse is greater than following masturbation and suggests greater satiety. Biological Psychology, 71(3), 312-315. Ellithorpe, M. E., Ulusoy, E., Eden, A., Hahn, L., Yang, C. L., & Tucker, R. M. (2022). The complicated impact of media use before bed on sleep: Results from a combination of objective EEG sleep measurement and media diaries. Journal of Sleep Research, e13551. Hofer, M. K., & Chen, F. S. (2020). The scent of a good night’s sleep: olfactory cues of a romantic partner improve sleep efficiency. Psychological Science, 31(4), 449-459. Kamphorst, B. A., Nauts, S., De Ridder, D., & Anderson, J. H. (2018). Too depleted to turn in: The relevance of end-of-the-day resource depletion for reducing bedtime procrastination. Frontiers in psychology, 9, 252. Lastella, M., O'Mullan, C., Paterson, J. L., & Reynolds, A. C. (2019). Sex and sleep: perceptions of sex as a sleep promoting behavior in the general adult population. Frontiers in public health, 33. Pereira, N., Naufel, M. F., Ribeiro, E. B., Tufik, S., & Hachul, H. (2020). Influence of dietary sources of melatonin on sleep quality: a review. Journal of food science, 85(1), 5-13. Pevzner, H. (2019).The New Science of Sleep. Psychology Today. Sella, E., Carbone, E., Toffalini, E., & Borella, E. (2020). Personality traits and sleep quality: The role of sleep-related beliefs. Personality and Individual Differences, 156, 109770. Sirois, F. M., Nauts, S., & Molnar, D. S. (2019). Self-compassion and bedtime procrastination: an emotion regulation perspective. Mindfulness, 10(3), 434-445. #song list Cello Suite No. 1 in G Major, BWV 1007:I. Prélude - Janos Starker Heartburn - Marco Sfogli Love From Me - Johnson Rodgie Carlos Gardel, Alfredo Le Pera: Por Una Cabeza - Martynas