Part11(2017年2月13日) I am so sorry. 非常报歉 Where were we? 我们说到哪里了? C:Walker,what’s he like? Walker,他什么样? F:The President-elect running late? 当选总统迟到了吗? L:No,he couldn’t make it .I’ll brief him,though 不,他来不了,我会跟他汇报的 F:Okay,This is the memo, I’ve drafted on our Middle East policy we’ve been developing. 这是我起草的关于我们在商讨中东政策上的备忘录 Now I wanna borrow from Reagan. 我想借用里根的说法 I’d like to coin the phrase“Trickle-down diplomacy”,That way…. 造个新词,叫“滴入式外交”,这样。。。。。。 L:Frank,I’m gonna stop you there. Frank,我得打断你。 We are not nominating you for the Secretary of State. 我们不打算提名你为国务卿 I know he made you a promise. 我知道他向你承诺过 But circumstances have changed. 但是情况有变 F:The nature of promises,Linda 所谓承诺,Linda Is that they remain immune to changing circumstances. 就是无论情况如何变化也不受影响
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