

2017-06-19    00'26''

主播: ❤️Come on英语吧

92 1

Part13(2017年6月19日) C: I can’t get into your issues right now. 你的心里毛病我现在没力医, I just need to sleep. 我只是想睡觉。 M: Fine, get in then. 好吧,进来吧。 C: What is that? 那是什么? M: Potato chips. I sleep-eat. 薯片,我边睡边吃。 C: Cool ranch and bacon? 清凉牧场培根味? M: Dude, they’re delicious. 拜托,非常好吃。 C: Because of your breakup with Robbie? 因为你和Robbie分手了? M: Just get in. 快上来。 I have to be in the city to babysit in five hours. 五小时以后我还得去市里给人看孩子呢。
上一期: 2017/6/20
下一期: 吸血鬼日记2-7