He's an accountant.
He works with numbers.
He's an accountant.
He manages your money.
He's an accountant.
He plans your taxes.
An accountant.
An accountant.
That's his occupation, his job.
She's in business.
She's the vice-president
She's in business.
She's the boss.
A vice-president.
That's her occupation, her job.
She's a sales clerk.
She sells clothing.
She's a sales clerk.
She works in a store.
Ya, she's a sales clerk.
She designs clothing too.
A sales clerk.
That's her occupation, her job.
She's a teacher.
That's her job.
Yaaa she's a nurse.
That's her job.
He's a pilot.
That's his job.
Those are occupations.
They're all jobs.
That's her job.
That's her job.
That's his job.
Those are occupations.
They are all jobs.
He's a vendor.
He sells food on the street.
He's a vendor.
He sells hot dogs.
Ya he's a vendor.
He sells ice cream.
A vendor, an accoutant,
a sales clerk, a nurse,
a teacher, a pilot.
They 're all jobs.