Unit30 Shopping 购物

Unit30 Shopping 购物

2018-08-12    00'20''

主播: ❤️Come on英语吧

187 0

Unit30 Shopping购物 S: Can you offer me something a little cheaper? M: Well,let me see.What price range do you have in mind? S: I want to stay under $20. M: How about this one?This is just $20.It’s worth every penny of it. S: 有没有稍微便宜一点的东西呢? M: 喔,让我想想看。您心目中的价格范围是多少呢? S: 我想要20美元以下的。 M: 这个怎样?正好20美元,它可是绝对值这个价钱的。
上一期: 2018/7/27
下一期: Unit31 Exotic Shop 舶来品店