149、The pigeon finds a hotdog

149、The pigeon finds a hotdog

2016-07-17    02'56''

主播: 春风习习

510 21

《The Pigeon Finds a Hot Dog》《鸽子捡到一个热狗》 Oooooh! A hot dog!喔呼!一个热狗! Yummy! Yummy! Yummy!真香!真香!真香! Aaaaaaahhh...啊啊啊啊...... May I help you? scooty scoot scoot! 需要我帮忙吗?哒哒哒! Is that a "hot dog"?那是一个“热狗”吗? Not a hot dog; my hot dog. 不是一个热狗,是我的热狗! Aaaaaaahhh...啊啊啊啊...... I have a question.我有个问题。 I've never had a hot dog before.... 我以前从没吃过热狗...... What do they taste like?它们的味道怎么样? Well, they are a taste sensation. 怎么说呢,它们的味道妙不可言。 Each morsel is a joy! A celebration in a bun! 每一口都是快乐!小圆面包上的狂欢! If you've never experienced the splendor of a hot dog, you should really... 要是你没有感受过热狗的辉煌,你真的应该...... Wait a second!等等—— This hot dog is mine. I found it! 这热狗是我的,我找到的! Of course! Enjoy!当然当然!好好吃吧! Go ahead.吃吧,吃吧。 Aaaaaaahh--啊啊啊啊...... Would you say that it tastes like chicken? 你说,它吃起来会像鸡肉吗? Can you believer this guy!?!你能相信这家伙吗?! What...?什么? It just tastes like a hot dog, okay!? 它吃起来就像一个热狗,可以了吗? Okay! Okay! 好了!好了! So, it doesn't taste like chicken, then? 那么,它吃起来不像鸡肉,对吧? Oh, for goodness's sake! 噢,我的妈呀! Hey, I'm a curious bird. 嘿,我是只好奇的鸟嘛。 THAT'S IT! 你就是! It's MY hot dog, right!? 这是我的热狗,对不对?! MINE! MINE! MINE! 我的!我的!我的! This is UNBELIEVABLE! 真是莫明其妙! "Finders, keepers," is what I say! "谁捡的归谁。"我就是这么说的。 "I'm a curious bird!" "我是只好奇的鸟嘛。" "What do they taste like?" "它们的味道怎么样?" "Blah, blah, blah!" "嘚啵嘚啵!嘚啵嘚啵!" Yeah, RIGHT! 对,就是这样! I can't take it anymore! 我再也受不了了! What am I supposed to do? 你说,我该怎么办呢? I think I've got an idea. 我想我有个主意。 You know, you're pretty smart for a duckling. 我说,你这只小鸭子还是蛮蛮机灵的。 Hmmm...needs mustard. 嗯......还差点儿芥末。 如果说前两本书是表现鸽子“要”什么,那么这本书描述的就是鸽子拥有的自己的东西时,它怎么针对别的小朋友的想要分享“它的”东西?这一次是鸽子捡到一个美味的热狗,正迫不及待地想一口吞下肚去时,突然冒出一只同样对“它的”热狗垂涎三尺的小鸭子。难缠的小鸭子,在旁边不停地打岔。小鸭子的目的当然不言自明,千方百计的想分一杯羹。嘿嘿,跟所有的孩子一样,小鸽子强烈捍卫“自己的”热狗,表情丰富,语气激烈:“MINE!MINE!MINE!”像不像你家小宝贝?可惜这次耍赖的鸽子遇到了对手,那只小鸭子也是赖皮出身,就是盯着鸽子手里的热狗不撒手。如果你是鸽子,你会把好吃的热狗分给别人吗?