

2020-05-21    00'59''

主播: 丹尼老师

425 2

Writing My Feelings Facing the Rain, I Rush to Send Off an Invitation to Assistant Magistrate【1】 Xu From the Eastern Marchmount cloud-peaks rise, then they billow【2】 out to fill the Great Void【3】. Peals【4】 of thunder send swallows winging from the curtains, a sudden downpour【5】 makes river fish sink down. The “worthy’s ale” faces where I sit, I listen for my senior’s carriage at the gate. Having invited you, I feel bad about the mud and mire【6】, so ride your horse all the way to my stairs. 单词释义 【1】magistrate [ˈmædʒɪstreɪt] n. 地方执法官; 【2】billow [ˈbɪləʊ]v. 鼓起; (烟雾) 涌出,汹涌向前; 大量冒出; n. 波涛般的浓烟(或蒸汽等); 【3】void [vɔɪd] n. 空间; 空白; 真空; 空虚; adj. 缺乏; 没有; 无效的; 空的; 空空如也; v. 使无效; 宣布…作废; 取消; 排泄,排放(大小便); 【4】peal [piːl] n. 响亮的声音; 轰轰的响声; 洪亮的钟声; 编钟; 编钟音乐; v. 大声作响; 轰然大笑; 【5】downpour [ˈdaʊnpɔː(r)] n. 倾盆大雨; 暴雨; 骤雨; 【6】mire [ˈmaɪə(r)] n. 泥潭; 泥沼; v. (使) 陷于泥泞; (使) 陷入困境;