

2020-05-22    00'52''

主播: 丹尼老师

420 2

The Thatched【1】 Study of Reverend【2】 Si Under the thatched roof of Master Si one may write new poems. Pillow and mat are taken to a remote spot in the woods, tea and melon keep the guest lingering. River lotuses shake their white feathers, “heaven-jujubes【3】” spread green tendrils【4】. I am helplessly ashamed at being classed with Xu Xun— it is hard to respond to Zhidun’s words. 单词释义 【1】thatch [θætʃ] n. (作为屋顶材料的) 茅草,稻草,芦苇; 茅草屋顶; 草屋顶; 浓密的头发; v. 用茅草盖屋顶; 【2】reverend [ˈrevərənd] adj. (尊称神职人员) 尊敬的,可敬的; n. 教士; 牧师; 【3】jujube [ˈdʒuːdʒu(ː)b] n. 枣子;枣树;枣属植物; 【4】tendril [ˈtendrəl] n. (攀缘植物的) 卷须; 卷须状物(如鬈发);