

2020-05-23    00'50''

主播: 丹尼老师

416 1

The Hu Horse Belonging to Fang of the War Section Hu horse, of Ferghana[1] fame, its gaunt[2] bones, formed sharp-edged. Bamboo pared[3], its two ears jut[4], wind enters its four hooves[5] light. Wherever it heads, no vast space before it too great, one can truly trust one’s life to it. Since it bounds ahead so valiantly[6], it can push ahead ten thousand leagues on campaign. 单词释义: [1] Ferghana [fɜːˈgɑːnə] n. 大宛 [2] gaunt [ɡɔːnt] adj. (常因疾病、饥饿或忧虑而) 瘦削憔悴的; 寒碜的; 破败的; [3] pare [peə(r)] v. 削皮; 去皮; 逐步减小(数量或体积); 使缩小; 修剪(指甲等); [4] jut [dʒʌt] v. (使) 突出,伸出; [5] hoof [huːf] n. (马等动物的) 蹄; v. 猛踢(球); 把(球)踢出很远; [6] valiant [ˈvæliəntli] adv. 大胆地;勇敢地;英勇地;
上一期: 8巳上人茅斋
下一期: 10画鹰