Painted Hawk[1] Frosty[2] winds rise from plain white silk, a gray hawk, the painting wondrously[3] done. It perks[4] up its body, longing for the crafty[5] hare[6], it looks sidelong[7], like a melancholy[8] Hu. One could pinch the light on its tie-ring, on the porch its stance[9] can be summoned. When will it strike the common birds?— blood and feathers sprinkling[10] weeds of the plain. 单词释义 [1] hawk [hɔːk] n. 鹰; 隼; 鹰派分子; 主战分子; v. 沿街叫卖; 咳痰; [2] frosty [ˈfrɒsti] adj. 严寒的; 霜冻的; 结霜的; 冷淡的; 冷若冰霜的; [3] wondrous [ˈwʌndrəsli] adv. 极其; 令人惊奇地; 惊人地; 惊奇地; 非常; [4] perk [pɜːk] n. (工资之外的) 补贴,津贴,额外待遇; v. 使振作; 打扮; 竖起; [5] crafty [ˈkrɑːfti] adj. 巧妙的; (尤指) 狡诈的,诡计多端的; [6] hare [heə(r)] n. 野兔; v. 飞跑; 疾走; [7] sidelong [ˈsaɪdlɒŋ] adj. 侧眼偷看的; 斜着眼看的; 睨视的; [8] melancholy [ˈmelənkəli] n. 忧郁; 伤悲; adj. (令人) 悲哀的; (令人) 沮丧的; [9] stance [stæns] n. (公开表明的) 观点,态度,立场; (尤指体育运动中的) 站立姿势; [10] sprinkle [ˈsprɪŋkl] v. 撒; 洒; 把…撒(或洒)在…上; 使某物包含少量的另一物; 用…点缀; 下小雨; n. 小雨;
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