

2020-05-31    01'14''

主播: 丹尼老师

383 3

Presented to Li Bai For two years, sojourner[1] in the Eastern Capital, what I went through made me weary[2] of cleverness. A man of the wilds faced the stench[3] of meat, I never ate my fill of plain vegetables. Of course I had “green essence” food to make my complexion[4] fine. I badly need the Great Elixir’s[5] ingredients, in mountain forests all my traces have been swept away. Lord Li was a luminary[6] of the golden chambers, he escaped to pursue his arcane[7] research. I too will undertake travels in Liang and Song expecting to gather the yao plant. 单词释义 [1] sojourner [ˈsɒdʒənə] n. 逗留者; 暂住者; 旅居者; [2] weary [ˈwɪəri] adj. (尤指长时间努力工作后) 疲劳的,疲倦的,疲惫的; 使人疲劳的; 使人厌烦的; (对…) 不再感兴趣,不再热心,感到不耐烦; v. 使疲劳; 使疲倦; (对…) 失去兴趣,失去热情; [3] stench [stentʃ] n. 臭气; 恶臭; [4] complexion [kəmˈplekʃn] n. 面色; 肤色; 气色; (事物的) 性质,特性; [5] elixir [ɪˈlɪksə(r)] n. 圣水; 灵丹妙药; 长生不老药; [6] luminary [ˈluːmɪnəri] n. 专家; 权威; 有影响的人物; [7] arcane [ɑːˈkeɪn] adj. 神秘的; 晦涩难懂的;
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