A Companion Piece to Governor Li’s “Climbing to the Super-numerary[1]’s New Pavilion by the Old Wall of Lixia”
The construction of the new pavilion is done,
I can dimly see the south shore of the clear lake.
Its site rests among former terraces[2] and lodges[3],
vapors darken sea and mountain deep away.
I fancy the round lotuses have been here from olden[4] days,
I am stirred how the remnant[5] battlements[6] have survived until now.
A sweet banquet has been prepared for this occasion,
the mournful[7] strings set minds on ancient things.
Our host makes a toast to his honored guest,
seated by rank, we feast in the northern grove[8].
Not excluding the inspiration[9] of a shack-dweller[10][11],
I get to join their “Liangfu Songs”.
[1] dimly [ˈdɪmli] adv. 暗淡地; 昏暗地; 模糊地;
[2] terrace [ˈterəs] n. (相同的一排) 排房,排屋; (尤指房屋或餐馆外的) 露天平台,阳台; (足球场的) 阶梯看台; v. 使成阶地(或梯田);
[3] lodge [lɒdʒ] n. (供参加户外运动者暂住的) 乡间小屋,小舍; (公园或宅第的) 门口小屋,门房; 管理员室; 传达室; v. (向公共机构或当局)正式提出(声明等) ; (付款) 寄住,借宿; 租住; 为(某人)提供住宿;
[4] olden [ˈəʊldən] adj. 古老的; 悠久的;
[5] remnant [ˈremnənt] n. 残余部分; 剩余部分; (织物的) 零头,零料; 布头;
[6] battlement [ˈbætlmənt] n. 防卫墙;城垛;
[7] mournful [ˈmɔːnfl] adj. 忧伤的; 悲痛的;
[8] grove [ɡrəʊv] n. 树丛; 小树林; 果树林; 果园; (用于街道名) 街,路;
[9] inspiration [ˌɪnspəˈreɪʃn] n. 灵感; 启发灵感的人(或事物); 使人产生动机的人(或事物); 鼓舞人心的人(或事物);
[10] shack [ʃæk] n. 简陋的小屋; 棚屋; v. 居住;
[11] dweller [ˈdwelə(r)] n. 居民; 居住者; 栖身者;