

2020-06-06    01'32''

主播: 丹尼老师

341 2

Going to Find Fan’s Hermitage with Li Bai Lord Li has excellent lines, everywhere resembling Yin Keng. I too am a sojourner[1] in eastern Meng, and I feel for you like a brother. Sleeping drunk, in autumn we share a blanket, daily we walk together holding hands. We also fancied a plan to visit a secluded spot, then we sought out our Master Northtown. Entering his gate, we felt great elation[2], a serving boy pure stood in attendance. In the sinking light we heard cold-weather pestles, massed clouds faced the ancient walls. You just chanted the “Hymn[3] to the Orange,” who wants to seek out soup of water shield? He isn’t willing to consider hat-pin and plaque, those sentiments[4] of gray-green seas sweep on and on. 单词释义 [1] sojourner [ˈsɒdʒənə] n. 逗留者; 暂住者; 旅居者; [2] elation [iˈleɪʃn] n. 兴高采烈; 欢欣鼓舞; 喜气洋洋; [3] hymn [hɪm] n. 赞美诗,圣歌 [4] sentiment [ˈsentɪmənt] n. (基于情感的) 观点,看法; 情绪; (失之过度或不恰当的) 伤感,柔情,哀伤;
上一期: 22赠李白
下一期: 24郑驸马宅宴洞中