

2020-06-10    02'43''

主播: 丹尼老师

319 5

Seeing Off Kong Chaofu, Who Has Resigned on Account of Illness and Will Go Back to Visit East of the Yangzi; Also for Li Bai Chaofu tosses his head, he is unwilling to stay; he intends to go east to the sea, seeking mist and fog. The scrolls of his poems will long remain here between Earth and Sky, but his fishing pole will brush against those trees of coral. To deep in the mountains and great swamps[1] the dragon will go far, here in spring’s chill among wilderness shadows the scene will turn to evening. The Weaver Woman of Penglai turns her carriage of clouds and points off into the emptiness—that is the road you must take. It goes without saying that you, sir, possess immortal bones; how could people of this world understand why you do this? Not wanting to lose you, we only want to give our all to make you stay, but how can riches and honor compare to the dew upon the grass? Master Cai is a man serene[2], and with ample[3] concern for you, in the clear night he has ale served, looking out over the porch. The zither stops, disconsolate[4], the moonlight shines on the mats, how long from now will you send to me a letter through the sky? In the south if you visit the Cave of Yu and meet Li Bai, say that Du Fu asked after him and wonders how he is now. 单词释义 [1] swamp [swɒmp] n. 沼泽(地); [2] serene [səˈriːn] adj. 平静的; 宁静的; 安详的; [3] ample [ˈæmpl] adj. 足够的; 丰裕的; 丰满的; 硕大的; [4] disconsolate [dɪsˈkɒnsələt] adj. 忧郁的; 沮丧的; 郁郁寡欢的;
上一期: 26春日忆李白
下一期: 28今夕行