

2020-06-12    04'30''

主播: 丹尼老师

325 3

Presented to the Prince of Ruyang, Lord Specially Advanced: Twenty-two Couplets[1] The prince, Specially Advanced, model for all lords, Heaven’s man, by long-standing virtue rises. Frosty hooves, a thousand-league steed[2], wind-borne pinions[3], Peng bird of the highest clouds. Following rites, observant of the finest details, ever loyal, you forget your own sleep and rising. The ruler is always fondly disposed toward you, when you leave court, it is as though he has no support. Sweet ale of immortals, floating lees are brought, rare of feather, a hawk sometimes presented. To your pure gate, untainted[4] by dust, court envoys daily come in succession. Mature sense of measure, pleasure outings reduced, throughout your life, for filiality[5] and right praised. He greatly felt the kinship[6] of sugarplum and calyx[7], who would dare ask for an imperial tomb? Your learning’s store, as rich as a pure scholar, your style’s splendor, as skilled as the finest craftsman. The brush flies, the luan-bird surges up; the piece finished, a phoenix mounting in flight. Essential reason is conveyed in your pleasant chatting, forgetful of self in the way you treat your friends. Deep attachment can be due to some minor strength, keeping your word, you never act haughtily. Already unworthy to have Cao Zhi as my patron how could I expect to be paired with a Li Ying? Through invitations your grace often touches me, my own strength can scarcely bear such esteem. Parting the fog, the evening when I first enjoyed your company, high autumn skies, the bracing air clear. Cups and goblets looked out on the far shore, wild geese and ducks slept under lanterns hung. Flowers and moonlight, making the most of excursions and feasts, fiery summer days, avoiding the mugginess[8]. Inkstone chilled by water from a golden well, eaves stirred with ice from a pot of jade. Drinking water from a ladle, I have only the three paths, I lodge on a cliff, on the hundredth tier. But I have taken a gourd[9] to plumb the sea, even more for one who pours ale like the river Sheng. How can the “vast treasure” be entirely secret? perhaps I can ascend the cinnabar ladder. Our Prince of Huainan has his retainers, I will finally not be ashamed before Sun Deng. 单词释义 [1]couplet [ˈkʌplət] n. 对句(相连的两行长度相等的诗句); 对联; [2]steed [stiːd] n. 坐骑; [3]pinion [ˈpɪnjən] v. 捆住,缚住(双臂); 固定住; [4]untainted [ˌʌnˈteɪntɪd] adj. 未受损害的; 未被污染的; 未被玷污的; [5]filiality [fɪlɪˈælətɪ] n. 孝; [6]kinship [ˈkɪnʃɪp] n. 亲属关系; (因出身或态度相似而产生的) 亲切感; [7]calyx [ˈkeɪlɪks] n. 花萼; [8]mugginess [ˈmʌɡɪnɪs] n. 闷热潮湿的; [9]ladle [ˈleɪdl] n. 长柄勺; 汤勺; [10]gourd [ɡʊəd] n. 葫芦(晾干后常作容器);
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