

2020-06-13    02'06''

主播: 丹尼老师

333 1

To Director of the Bureau of Review Xiao (I, Fu, am the son of his father’s uncle’s sister) There is a fair one, among men alive, paragon[1], from a household of long accumulated virtue. His line is traced to the minister of Han, descendants of emperors in the days of Liang. A great reserve of breeding, long a director, one of grandeur, exalted[2] by the wisdom he commands. His eloquence[3] overwhelms the younger generation, the grace of verse envelops your unique ascent./ House geomancy[4] glorified his marriage kin, as a lad, I was graced by his crucial discussions. Since childhood I have truly felt his esteem, but, inept[5] in managing my affairs, I am ashamed before my senior kin. / Swept along through the vastness of the cloudy heavens, I sink away as the days and months rush on. The time is already too late to aid my prince, thoughts of ancient days remain with me in vain. The Master of Palace Leisure smelted iron at Shanyang, His Foolish Excellency, village in a wilderness valley. How could I ask my senior to turn aside his cart-track for me?— I will go home and grow old, let Heaven and Earth go as they may. 单词释义 [1]paragon [ˈpærəɡən] n. 完人; 典范; [2]exalted [ɪɡˈzɔːltɪd] adj. 地位高的; 高贵的; 显赫的; 兴奋的; 兴高采烈的; [3]eloquence [ˈɛləʊkwəns] n. 雄辩,善辩,口才,雄辩术; [4]geomancy [ˈdʒiːəʊmænsi] n. 地相术; 风水; 地卜; [5]inept [ɪˈnept] adj. 缺乏技巧的; 无能的; 笨拙的;