

2020-06-16    03'38''

主播: 丹尼老师

311 2

Respectfully Presented to Vice-Director of the Left, the Senior Wei: Twenty-two Couplets Those in fine silk pants don’t starve to death, but a scholar’s cap often ruins a man. Just listen quietly, sir, a poor fellow begs to tell you all./ In days gone by when I was young, I early had a place with Guan’s “guests of the realm.” In reading I wore out ten thousand scrolls, I seemed helped by the gods when using my brush. For fu I reckoned to be Yang Xiong’s rival; in poems I looked on Cao Zhi as close kin. Li Yong sought to know me by face, Wang Han wanted to settle in my neighborhood. I thought that I would stand out as quite exceptional, and at once occupy some crucial position. I would make my lord greater than Yao or Shun, and cause our customs again to be pure. / In the end these thoughts became bleak[1], I went along singing, not hiding away. I rode on a donkey for thirteen years, and dined as a sponger[2] in the capital’s springtime. At dawn I knocked at the gates of the rich, at dusk I chased the dust of plump horses. There were dregs of goblets and cold roasts— wherever I went, I had sorrow and pain hidden within. I was recently summoned by His Majesty, in an instant I was going to try to expand. But in the dark heavens my wings drooped[3], I lost footing, and did not get to ply my fins freely./ Your kindness, sir, puts me deeply to shame, and I deeply understand your sincerity. Ever, before all the hundred officers, you go too far in reciting my most recent fine lines. I would emulate[4] Lord Gong’s delight; hard to accept Yuan Xian’s poverty. How can I let my heart stay miserable?— all I can do is hurry away. Now I would wish to go east to the sea, and right away leave Qin in the west. Still I will cherish Mount Zhongnan, and turn my head to the banks of the clear Wei. Always I have intended to repay that one meal, even more I care about leaving a great official. The white gull disappears in the boundless expanse, across thousands of leagues who can tame it? 单词释义 [1]bleak [bliːk] adj. 不乐观的; 无望的; 暗淡的; 荒凉的; 索然无味的; [2]sponger [ˈspʌndʒə(r)] n. 吃白食的人; 揩油者; [3]droop [druːp] v. 低垂,垂落,垂下; 沮丧; 消沉; 垂头丧气; [4]emulate [ˈemjuleɪt] v. 努力赶上; 同…竞争; 仿真; 模仿;
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