

2020-06-20    02'13''

主播: 丹尼老师

292 2

Song of Leyou Park The ancient park of Leyou rises up dense and fresh, emerald plants stretch on endlessly, growing tall and thick. For the young gentlemen’s splendid feast its position is highest of all, facing our ale are Qin’s rivers, flat as the palm of a hand. With ladles of long-life wood we show genuine forthright[1] feelings; then further we joke over “saddled horses,” and engage in madcap[2] pleasures. With green spring waves and ripples is Lotus Park; peals of thunder in daylight, the entourage[3] in the Walled Passageway. Heaven’s Gates open under clear skies, boundlessly vast, azure tents by the Twisting River, silver placards[4] in lines. Brushing waters, slowly lingering, dancing sleeves soar; through the clouds, piercingly[5] clear, the sound of singing rises. I think back on the times that I was drunk year after year, nowadays before I get drunk I’ve already grown sad. These several strands of hair turned white, how can I get rid of them? a hundred forfeits[6] of full cups, and still I don’t refuse. I also know that in this sagely reign a low scholar is repulsive, when each single creature in its own right receives the grace of Sovereign[7] Heaven. Finishing drinking, this body of mine has nowhere to go, I stand alone in a vast expanse chanting a poem to myself. 单词释义 [1] forthright [ˈfɔːθraɪt] adj. 直率的; 直截了当的; 坦诚的; [2] madcap [ˈmædkæp] adj. 鲁莽的; 狂妄的; 不明智的; [3] entourage [ˈɒnturɑːʒ] n. (统称) 随行人员,随从; [4] placard [ˈplækɑːd] n. 标语牌; 广告牌; 招贴; 海报; [5] piercingly 英 [ˈpɪəsɪŋlɪ] adv. 锐利的; 逼人的; 刺耳的; 深切的; 刻骨的; [6] forfeit [ˈfɔːfɪt] n. 罚金; 没收物; [7] sovereign [ˈsɒvrɪn] adj. 掌握全部权力的; 有至高无上的权力的;