

2020-06-22    00'57''

主播: 丹尼老师

311 1

Bearers’ Songs for the Former General of the Palace Guard II In the sword dance he surpassed others utterly[1], skilled in shooting beasts with the twanging[2] bow. His sharp blade-tip moved with easy obedience[3], fierce fangs[4] missed when they pounced. His crimson[5] feather banners, fine food for a thousand, the Yellow River, mid-autumn ice. He marched boldly beyond the great desert, his divine swiftness is praised to this day. 单词释义 [1] utterly [ˈʌtəli] adv. 全然; 完全地; 彻底地; [2] twanging [ˈtwæŋɪŋ] v. 弹拨; (使) 发出弹拨声,发出嘣的一声; [3] obedience [əˈbiːdiəns] n. 服从;顺从,遵从; [4] fang [fæŋ] n. 尖牙; 犬齿; (蛇的) 毒牙; [5] crimson [ˈkrɪmzn] adj. 深红色的; 暗红色的; n. 深红色;