

2020-06-25    02'08''

主播: 丹尼老师

308 4

Climbing the Pagoda of Ci’en Temple with Various Gentlemen Its high crest[1] strides up over the gray vault, where fierce winds never cease. Not having the mood of a free and easy man, climbing here brings instead a hundred cares./ Now I understand the force of the Doctrine of Images can lead one to pursue investigation of the invisible: Upward we bored through a dragon or serpent’s[2] hole, and only then emerged from the darkness of beams and struts[3]. / The Seven Stars were right at the northern window, the Milky Way’s sound flowed westward. Xihe whipped the bright sun along, Shaohao set clear autumn in motion. Qin’s hills were suddenly broken to pieces, and the Jing and Wei could not be found. Looking down, I saw only a single vapor everywhere, how could I even make out the royal domain? / I turned my head and cried out to Shun, but at that moment clouds hung gloomy over Cangwu. Unfortunate indeed!—the drinking at Alabaster[4] Pool, as the sun grew late over Kunlun Hill. The brown swan goes off without resting, mournfully singing, where will it lodge? But look you at the geese that follow the sunlight!— each has made plans for its own rice. 单词释义 [1] crest [krest] n. 山顶; 顶峰; 波峰; 浪尖; 鸟冠; 羽冠; [2] serpent [ˈsɜːpənt] n. 蛇; (尤指) 大蛇; [3] strut [strʌt] n. 趾高气扬的步态; 高视阔步的样子; [4] alabaster [ˈæləbɑːstə(r)] n. 雪花石膏(常用于雕塑和装饰品);