

2020-07-17    03'20''

主播: 丹尼老师

296 6

Respectfully Presented to Xianyu, Governor of the Capital Region: The king’s domain is known for “many knights,” but how many of these are worthy and good? Rare talents should come forth after long intervals[1], their vigorous tempers must be of a unique kind. Now I see a “Zhang of the capital,” rightly holding a place among officers near the throne. The Hualiu steed opens the way, hawk and falcon[2] leave the windblown dust. What did the esteem of a count or earl matter?— it was your literary writings that truly brought success. You flew aloft, passing over the usual stages and grades, with ease you forsook[3] where you had been buried. You escaped fishing at Pan Creek, you take in hand the Ying craftsman’s axe. Now you have come right next to the upper clouds, who else is such close friends with a high lord of state? In the phoenix roost[4] the chicks are all fine, the clients at Dragon Gate are also new. I have been much stirred by your reputation for morality, but, having suffered defeat, I hesitate unsure. This road is long, where does it head?— Heaven is high, hard to state my case again. I studied the Poems when I was but a child, in the local presentation I was unworthily made a “guest of the realm.” I did not get to be the same as Chao Cuo, and I sighed that I lagged behind Xi Shen. My plans too lax, I doubted brush and ink, my moment was past, I recalled pine and bamboo. I presented something for acceptance, bent low by imperial regard, introduced, I paid my respects at Zichen Palace. For a while I followed the assembly of excellent men, then I hoped to have my meager[5] talents expand. Broken courage, encountering the previous minister, secret plots, he alone held the potter’s wheel. This humble man was bathed in his dislike and desire to crush me, all matters became increasingly bitter and sour. You are in close intercourse with the place of “red and green,” now his kind grace overflows with rain and dew. There is a scholar who worries about starving to death, inform the Count of Pingjin as soon as you can. 单词释义 [1] interval [ˈɪntəvl] n. (时间上的) 间隔,间隙,间歇; [2] falcon [ˈfɔːlkən] n. 隼; [3] forsook [fəˈsʊk] v. 抛弃,遗弃; 离开(尤指喜爱的事物); [4] roost [ruːst] n. (鸟类的) 栖息处; [5] meager [ˈmiːgə] adj. 贫瘠的;不毛的; 瘦的;
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