

2020-07-29    02'55''

主播: 丹尼老师

326 1

Fair Ladies: A Ballad On the third day of the third month, the weather is fresh, by the waters of Chang’an are many lovely ladies. Appearance voluptuous[1], their mood remote, pure and true, their skin’s texture, delicate and glossy, flesh and bones well-matched. Embroidered gossamer[2] gowns shine in the end of spring, peacocks done in gold appliqué[3], unicorns of silver. And what do they have on their heads?— kingfisher-feather fine leaf tiaras[4] dangling in tresses[5] to lips. And at their backs what do we see?— pearls encumbering[6] waist aprons[7], fitted perfectly to the body. Among them are the cloud-like tents, the kin of the Peppered Chambers, those granted title to great states, to Guo and to Qin. The purple hump of a camel comes forth from an azure cauldron[8], and on a platter of crystal pale-white scales go. From surfeit[9] the rhino[10]-horn chopsticks long have not been plied, the threadlike slices of phoenix knives are a-flurry[11] in vain. The Yellow Gate’s flying bridles[12] do not stir the dust, in continuous streams the Royal Kitchen sends along eight precious foods. The mournful droning of pan-pipes and drums stirs the spirits and gods, attendant guests throng[13] around—this is truly the gate to power. A saddled horse comes later—how leisurely it advances! at the great carriage he gets off the horse and goes in on the brocade[14] mat. Willow flowers fall like snow covering white water-clover[15]. a bluebird flies away, a red kerchief[16] in its beak. Heat that can burn the hands, power beyond all measure— take care not to come close before the Minister’s angry glare! 单词释义: [1] voluptuous [vəˈlʌptʃuəs] adj. 体态丰满的; 令人舒服的; 舒适的; [2] gossamer [ˈɡɒsəmə(r)] n. 蛛丝; 薄纱; 精细织物; [3] appliqué [əˈpliːkeɪ] n. 缝饰; 嵌花; 贴花; [4] tiaras [tɪˈɑːrəz] n. 冠状头饰; [5] tress [trɛs] n. (女子飘逸的) 长发; [6] encumber [ɪnˈkʌmbə(r)] v. 妨碍; 拖累; 大(或重)得难以移动; 使负担沉重; [7] apron [ˈeɪprən] n. 围裙; [8] cauldron [ˈkɔːldrən] n. 大锅; [9] surfeit [ˈsɜːfɪt] n. 过量; vi. 吃得过多由于过量而厌腻; [10] rhino [ˈraɪnəʊ] n. 同 rhinoceros; 犀,犀牛; [11] flurry [ˈflʌri] n. 一阵忙乱; [12] bridle [ˈbraɪdl] n. 马勒; 马笼头; [13] throng [θrɒŋ] v. 拥塞; 拥向; [14] brocade [brəˈkeɪd] n. 织锦缎; (尤指用金银线织出凸纹的) 厚织物; [15] clover [ˈkləʊvə(r)] n. 三叶草; 车轴草; [16] kerchief [ˈkɜːtʃɪf] n. 方头巾; 方围巾;