

2020-08-08    01'05''

主播: 丹尼老师

328 4

Taking Singing Girls to Enjoy the Cool at Yard Eight Canal in the Company of Various Noble Gentlemen: On the Verge of Evening It Rained II Rain comes soaking the party mats, winds blow hard, slapping the prows[1]. The red skirts of Yue girls are soaked, the azure kohl[2] of Yan wenches[3] is forlorn[4]. Moorings[5] are fastened to willows up on the bank, curtains rolled up, wave-spume[6] drifts. On the way back it turns to a whooshing[7] chill— in the basin, fall in midsummer. 单词释义 [1] prow [praʊ] n. 船头; [2] kohl [kəʊl] n. 眼影粉(尤指东方人用的); [3] wench [wentʃ] n. 少妇; 少女; [4] forlorn [fəˈlɔːn] adj. 孤苦伶仃的; 孤独凄凉的; [5] mooring [ˈmɔːrɪŋ] n. 系泊用具; 停泊处; [6] spume [spjuːm] n. (海浪的) 泡沫; [7] whoosh [wʊʃ] v. (空气) 呼呼地移动; (水) 哗哗地流;