

2020-08-11    03'02''

主播: 丹尼老师

317 2

Meipi: A Ballad Cen Shen and his brother both love marvels, they brought me here afar to visit Lake Meipi. Earth and sky were sombre[1] and gloomy, their colors suddenly changed: ten thousand acres of rippling waves, massed lapis lazuli[2]. Lapis lazuli stretched endlessly, our boat set sail thereon, the experience strange, elation peaked, then anxious thoughts gathered. The alligator rising or boat-swallowing whale are known no more, but if adverse[3] winds come and white-capped waves, it will be too late for regrets. My host’s brocade sails are spread for me, the boatman is utterly happy, there is no dust in the air. Ducks and gulls scatter wildly as the rowing chant begins, the warbling[4] notes of strings and pipes come through the azure mist. By depth pole or measuring line its depths have never been fathomed[5], water-nut leaves and lotus blossoms, as clean as if scrubbed. Now we are right in mid-water, it is clear as the Gulf of Bo, Receding[6] downward endlessly is the blackness of Mount Zhongnan. The southern half of the reservoir is purely soaking the mountain, whose stirred reflections shimmer quivering[7] amid the sloshing[8]. The boat’s sides in the darkness bump into Edge-of-the-Clouds Temple, on the water’s surface the moon comes out over Indigo[9] Fields Pass. At this moment the Pitch-black Dragon is spitting forth its pearl, Pingyi beats the drum and herds of dragons scurry[10]. The Xiang Consorts[11] and Han Maidens come forth to sing and dance, golden poles and kingfisher banners, their light in half-presence. A short distance ahead I worry only that thunderstorms will come, in the vast expanse I do not grasp the intention of the god. How long does youth last? we cannot help but grow old; it has ever been that sorrow and joy come so often! 单词释义 [1] sombre [ˈsɒmbə(r)] adj. 昏暗的; 阴沉的; 暗淡的; 阴郁的; 沮丧的; [2] lapis lazuli [ˌlæpɪs ˈlæzjʊli] n. 杂青金石(用于制作珠宝饰物); [3] adverse [ˈædvɜːs] adj. 不利的; 有害的; 反面的; [4] warble [ˈwɔːbl] v. (尤指用颤音高声) 唱; 啭鸣; [5] fathom [ˈfæðəm] v. 理解; 彻底了解; 弄清真相; [6] recede [rɪˈsiːd] v. 逐渐远离; 渐渐远去; 慢慢变小; [7] quiver [ˈkwɪvə(r)] v. 轻微颤动; 抖动; 抽动; 哆嗦; [8] slosh [slɒʃ] v. 哗啦哗啦地晃荡; 撒出; 溅出; [9] indigo [ˈɪndɪɡəʊ] adj. 靛蓝; 靛青; [10] scurry [ˈskʌri] v. 碎步疾跑; [11] consort [ˈkɒnsɔːt] n. (统治者的) 配偶;
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