A Companion Piece, Respectfully Offered, for Supervising Secretary Guo’s “Written on the Sacred Tarn[1] East of the Hot Springs”
Over that eastern mountain, a vast blur of vapor,
the palace is set on its very top.
Our ruler always comes in the tenth month,
planting his feathered standards, he watches over the Nine Regions.
Subterranean fires boil the jade springs,
Spewing[2] forth, they inundate[3] secluded cliffs.
At times they bathe the crimson sun,
whose light embraces mansions in the void.
Into Langfeng entered the tracks of his wheels,
Broad Wilderness invites his search for mysteries.
With sounds bubbling to heaven, His Myriad Chariots[4] stir
to observe the waters in this hundred-yard-deep tarn.
Such secluded divinity is here to be admired
the king ordains[5] that his attendants be given leave.
I heard how at first the dragon acted with force,
riving the rock, ruining forested hills.
At midnight its lair-lodging changed,
its transfer went along with an autumn of storm.
In this Alabaster[6] Pool reflections hang upside down,
bent pouring therein, the gray-green river’s current.
Its flavor is like a broth of sweet dew,
splashed, it is slippery and soft.
Kingfisher banners ruffle, waving aloft,
cloud carriages linger in masses awhile.
Fifes[7] and drums sweep over the sea-girt world,
strange aromas drift through the empty vastness.
The mermen present their subtle gossamers,
and invocators[8] drown a yak[9].
A hundred auspicious signs rush to the ascendant[10] brilliance,
no counterpart can match in bygone times.
On undulating slopes, a Golden Toad,
when it appears there is surely a reason.
His Majesty looks on it and smiles,
the Queen Mother won’t send anyone to catch it.
It goes back to a void without bottom,
and turns into a long yellow kraken[11].
Wind-tossed, the Gentleman of the Blue Chain-Patterned Gate,
the flash of his writing are coral hooks.
He loudly sings his “Melody of Clear Water,”
so perfectly clear, listeners are melancholy[12].
[1] tarn [tɑːn] n. 冰川湖; 山中小湖;
[2] spew [ˈspjuː] v. (使) 喷出,涌出; 呕吐;
[3] inundate [ˈɪnʌndeɪt] v. 使不胜负荷; 使应接不暇; 淹没; 泛滥;
[4] chariot [ˈtʃæriət] n. (古代用于战斗或比赛的) 双轮敞篷马车;
[5] ordain [ɔːˈdeɪn] v. 授予圣秩(品); 授予圣职; 主宰; 掌握; 规定;
[6] alabaster [ˈæləbɑːstə(r)] n. 雪花石膏(常用于雕塑和装饰品);
[7] fife [faɪf] n. 小横笛(用于军乐中与鼓合奏);
[8] invocator [ˈɪnvəkeɪtə] n. 传唤者
[9] yak [jæk] n. 牦牛;
[10] ascendant [əˈsendənt] adj. 向上的;优越的;占支配地位的;
[11] kraken [ˈkrɑːkən] n. (虚构的出没于挪威附近的) 北海巨妖;
[12] melancholy [ˈmelənkəli] adj. (令人) 悲哀的; (令人) 沮丧的;