

2020-10-24    03'29''

主播: 丹尼老师

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Watching the Flood at Three Rivers: Twenty Couplets Ever since I passed through Huayuan, I saw level land no more. To the north there was only Earthgate Mountain, I hurried through barren[1] valleys stretching to heaven. Fiery[2] clouds constantly appeared, bolts of lightning were ever in my eyes. Since there was much rain on the barren peaks, the run-off crashed roaring together. A welling confluence, the river vapor yellowed, and all the streams converged[3] in the empty bends. In clear dawn I gazed on the high waves and immediately thought that the southern slopes would collapse. Fear of being mired sent dragons into hiding, climbing perilous[4] spots, the deer congregated[5]. Leafless logs, rolling, torn up trees, heaps of rocks joined to block it up. Its sounds blew down gods and spirits; its force shows how swiftly the human world changes. Were there not a place for the myriad springs to go, how could we honor the Four Great Drains? But when I watched the streams and springs flood, I instead worried that River and sea had spilled out. Swirling sands, bounds and banks depart, scouring valleys, left bald of pines and cypresses. Rising over hills, it smashes gates of mountains, whirling around, it splits earth’s axis. Where the Luo converges, it will go to the mighty River, it will hardly be two nights before it reaches the Pass. I expect it will drown several prefectures[6], and it is as if I can hear ten thousand homes weeping. Foul and turbid[7], not clear at all, the rage of wind-blown billows still accumulates. When will boats and wagons get through and the shadowy vapors not be so black? In this life adrift one is sometimes swept along, but now my own course is constrained. In the human realm it is hard to find space for oneself— a stone cliff, slippery, with feet set at an angle. Clouds and thunder do not cease to mass, my path is even more cramped by danger and trouble. Under all Heaven there are no river bridges, I wish the waters would shrink so I could cross. Thus I grieve for gentlemen in the woods: they will not escape the bellies of the many fish. I lift my head and face the gray heavens— how can I get to ride a great swan away? 单词释义 [1] barren [ˈbærən] adj. 贫瘠的; 不毛的; 不育的; [2] fiery [ˈfaɪəri] adj. 火一般的; 暴躁的; 易怒的; 充满激情的; [3] converge [kənˈvɜːdʒ] v. 汇集; 集中; 十分相似; [4] perilous [ˈperələs] adj. 危险的; 艰险的; [5] congregate [ˈkɒŋɡrɪɡeɪt] v. 群集; 聚集; 集合; [6] prefecture [ˈpriːfektʃə(r)] n. 地方行政区域; 省; 县; [7] turbid [ˈtɜːbɪd] adj. 浑浊的; 污浊不清的;