

2020-10-22    02'53''

主播: 丹尼老师

101 0

On the Last Day of the Month Going to Find Cui Ji and Li Feng When dawn’s light entered my pot-rim window, sleeping like a corpse, I woke suddenly under my worn-out cloak. I got up and went to look at Heaven’s vault, the spring weather was getting gradually balmy[1] and gentle. Elation came, I had no time to be lazy, this morning I combed my hair. I went out my gate, dependent on nothing, on foot, I felt I could do as I pleased. I let my fancies free, staff in hand, thus avoiding encounters with dukes and grandees. I formed a late friendship with Cui and Li, our accord is indeed rarely matched. Whenever I stop by, I get to have ale, in both homes I may linger on. I rejoice to make friends in such a kindly neighborhood, and even more I go seek them out on this fine holiday. Master Li’s garden has almost run wild, his former bamboo stand quite tall. He has it swept clean to bring his guest in, then in due time we toast each other. When a party starts, Master Cui’s look is of one already worried the cups will run dry. I didn’t know if other gentlemen of the world have natures as perfect as this. The sprouts of plants have come out green, the sounds of bees also roam in the warmth. I long to see farming implements arrayed— when will the clash of arms be over? The folk of Getian in ancient days did not give worries to the Yellow Awning[2]. But nowadays the ilk of Ruan Ji get utterly drunk and care only for themselves. The august phoenix soars on high, long Leviathan[3] swallows up the Nine Regions. Earth’s axis is turned over thereby, and all the rivers flow in confusion. I am ready to break loose in song, if tears fall, I’m sure I won’t be able to stop them. In thick brew there is a fine truth, I hope thereby to console these ups and downs. 单词释义 [1] balmy [ˈbɑːmi] adj. 温暖惬意的; [2] awn [ɔːn] n. 芒(刺); [3] leviathan [ləˈvaɪəθən] n. 利维坦(《圣经》中的怪兽); 庞然大物;