

2020-11-07    01'46''

主播: 丹尼老师

111 1

Blocking Luzi Pass How far away are the five fortress cities, far, far, beyond the Yellow River’s waters. The frontier troops have all gone east on campaign, in the fortresses are only hawthorns[1] and briars[2]. Shi Siming has carved off Huaizhou and Weizhou, Gao Xiuyan has not ceased moving west. If they come bending around the Great Barrens, the loss of Xiao and Han Passes would be nothing by comparison. Yanzhou is the northern door to Qin, one can still rely on its defense. How can we get ten thousand men, to gallop swiftly to block Luzi Pass? At Mount Qi there is Grand Master Xue, who controlled the mountain rebels rising all around. I have heard that recently the likes of the Kunyi and Quanrong, have withdrawn three hundred leagues because of him. Luzi Pass can hold back both marauders[3], a profound thought is truly in this. Who can cry out to the Emperor’s gatekeeper?— the Hu move as swift as demons[4]! 单词释义 [1] hawthorn [ˈhɔːθɔːn] n. 山楂树; [2] briar [ˈbraɪə] n. 多刺野灌木; 野蔷薇丛; 欧石楠; [3] marauder [məˈrɔːdə(r)] n. 强盗; 掳掠者; 攫食的野兽; [4] demon [ˈdiːmən] n. 恶魔; 魔鬼;
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