

2020-12-21    01'07''

主播: 丹尼老师

115 2

Leaving Dawn Court at Xuanzheng Palace and Going Late out the Left Side Gate At Heaven’s gate the sunbeams strike the plaque of gold, the palace in spring, the clear sky scents banners of red feathers. Palace plants in swelling clouds catch pendants that trail on ground, brazier[1] smoke’s tendrils[2] so thin halt as drifting floss mid-air. The clouds near Penglai Hall ever have five colors, the snow remains on Zhique Lodge for a long time as well. Attendant official, I walk slowly back to the blue chain-patterned gates, withdrawing for meals I take my time and always delay coming out. 单词释义 [1] brazier [ˈbreɪziə] n. (金属) 火盆; [2] tendril [ˈtendrəl] n. (攀缘植物的) 卷须; 卷须状物(如鬈发);