【英汉双语诵读经典名篇】   爱 (鲁侠客  紫夕)

【英汉双语诵读经典名篇】 爱 (鲁侠客 紫夕)

2016-10-24    05'09''

主播: 紫夕的小屋

1059 26

【英汉双语诵读经典名篇】 爱 作者: 罗伊克里夫特(爱尔兰) 诵读:鲁侠客 紫夕 我爱你, 不光因为你的样子, 还因为, 和你在一起时, 我的样子。 我爱你, 不光因为你为我而做的事, 还因为, 为了你, 我能做成的事。 我爱你, 因为你能唤出, 我最真的那部分。 我爱你, 因为你穿越我心灵的旷野, 如同阳光穿越水晶般容易, 我的傻气, 我的弱点, 在你的目光里几乎不存在。 而我心里最美丽的地方, 却被你的光芒照得通亮, 别人都不曾费心走那么远, 别人都觉得寻找太麻烦, 所以没有人发现过我的美丽, 所以没有人到过这里。 我爱你, 因为你将我的生活化腐朽为神奇 因为有你, 我的生命不再是平凡的客栈 而成为了恢弘的圣殿 我日复一日的工作时 不再充满抱怨 而是美妙的旋律 因为你比信念更能使我的生活变得无比美好 因为你比命运更能使我的生活变得充满欢乐 而你做出的这一切的一切 不费一丝力气 一句言辞 一个暗示 你做出的这一切的一切 是因为你就是你 也许这就是爱的真谛 “Love” by Roy Croft I love you, Not only for what you are, But for what I am When I am with you. I love you, Not only for what You have made of yourself, But for what You are making of me. I love you For the part of me That you bring out; I love you For putting your hand Into my heaped-up heart And passing over All the foolish, weak things That you can’t help Dimly seeing there, And for drawing out Into the light All the beautiful belongings That no one else had looked Quite far enough to find. I love you because you Are helping me to make Of the lumber of my life Not a tavern But a temple; Out of the works Of my every day Not a reproach But a song. I love you Because you have done More than any creed Could have done To make me good And more than any fate Could have done To make me happy. You have done it Without a touch, Without a word, Without a sign. You have done it By being yourself. Perhaps that is what Being a love means, After all.