

2017-02-21    06'48''

主播: 紫夕的小屋

1525 12

【英汉双语诵读】 当风吹过天空 No Place That Far Sara Evans - No Place That Far 作者:Alex、 落尘  翻译:Gloria 朗诵:鲁侠客 紫夕 后期制作:紫夕 当风吹过天空 我想着那个在想我的人 伊人遥不可及 她在我的手触摸不到的地方 为我送来甜蜜的话语 在我心里 我感到她就在我的身边 毫无距离 当阳光照耀大地 我想着那个想我的人 恋人遥不可及 他在我双手触及不到的那端 向我举起红酒盏 丝丝的温暖就流淌在心底 从未远离 当星星在夜空闪烁 我想着远在天边的丽人 她的眼眸胜过了星光的美丽 趁着夜色迷人为她弹支吉他曲 愿这爱的旋律 能够飘进她的梦里 当梦悄然来临 我听见遥远的天边 传来一曲爱的旋律 我知道是我的恋人 他正把我深深念起 寒冷的夜里 漫过花开的温馨 恋人啊,恋人 缘分让我们相遇 命运又将我们分离 天涯这边的我 海角那边的你 何时能相聚 何时能相聚 再不是你想我的时候 我也只能想着你 何时这天涯海角的距离 化作一团虚无的空气 当这海角天涯的距离 化成一团虚无的空气 这就把我的手放进你手里 这就把你的手握在我手里 不再分离 永远相依 When the wind blows in the sky I think of the one who is missing me The beauty is far away and she is beyond the reach of my hands Sending me sweet words But in my heart She seems being by my side When the sun shines I think of the one who is missing me He is far away and out of my reach Putting up the red wine glass In my heart , a bit of warming is aways flowing there When the stars twinkle in the night l miss the beauty far away Her eyes are more beautiful than the stars I play the guitar for her in the charming night Wishing my love to pour in her dream When the dream quietly comes I hear a melody of love from the distance horizon l know it is my sweetheart who is missing me deeply A kind of fragrant warmth fills in the cold night Sweetheart, sweetheart We meet thanks to the fate We separate because of the destiny You and I are in the remotest corners When we can meet When we can meet Then we will not miss each other When the remotest distance becomes nothingness When it comes true I will put my hands in yours and your hands in mine We will never be apart and lean close to each other forever