vol.66 “网暴者”之死 | 一出“好”戏

vol.66 “网暴者”之死 | 一出“好”戏

2024-05-21    36'51''

主播: 案IN司谈

5033 43

本集属性:常规✅反转、细思极恐、毛骨悚然人们只相信事件表象呈现出的所谓“真相”,不冷静思考、判断最终只会被牵着鼻子走……| TIME AXIS |00:00—00:20  片头+slogan00:23—00:51  正剧小片花00:56—10:15  一对夫妻惨死家中。警方侦查并未在屋内发现可疑痕迹,但从死者情况判断该案为熟人所为。10:16—21:30  两名死者的熟人中有一家人被警方锁定,层层调查竟发现两名死者疑似威胁、网暴过被调查的这家人的女儿?21:32—30:40  确定凶手,可为什么又扯出一个中情局特工?30:41—35:35  特工身份大调查,反转来袭……35:36—36:14  影视剧推荐环节| 参考资料 |The Story of the Killer “Catfisher”, Jenelle PotterHow a Social Media Feud Led to the Murder of a Young Tennessee CoupleDaughter, mother convicted in ‘Facebook murders’ case asking for new trialsAttorneys respond to ‘guilty’ plea, reduced sentence of Barbara Potter in 2012 ‘Facebook Murders’State of Tennessee v. Barbara Mae PotterCouple Murdered for ‘Unfriending’ Woman On FacebookPOTTER SHOCKER Where are Marvin, Jenelle, and Barbara Potter now?'Too pretty to live': How a woman convinced her parents and boyfriend to kill ‘Facebook bullies’Witness for the prosecution: Woman testifies against mother, sister in 'Facebook murders' trialThe Bizarre Case of Jenelle Potter 写有两名死者名字的石头[图片] 芭芭拉和马文[图片] 珍妮和杰米[图片] 马文车子后备箱里的碎纸条[图片]| 影视剧推荐 |《白雪公主杀人事件》| 本期参与 |主播:司桐,小雪后期:吴宇桓编辑:叶猫子,玉麒