中英双语诵读  煮一壶往事,慢品流年

中英双语诵读 煮一壶往事,慢品流年

2018-05-04    05'10''

主播: 主播:王达(月芽儿)

86 1

煮一壶往事,慢品流年      Simmering a Teakettle of Past Events, Slowly tasting the Fleeting Life         文/林绮梦   煮一壶新茶,              Boiling a kettle of new tea 看嫩绿在碧汤中翻卷。      Watching the tender leaves rolling up and down 享一杯清醇,              Enjoying a cup of light and floral green tea 慢品苦涩甘甜的流年。      Tasting the bitter yet sweet fleeting life 一盏浓浓的香茶,          The thick scented tea 滋润着干枯的心田。        Moistening my withered heart 往事如诗如烟,            Past events pervading in the soul with the tea aroma 随着茶香在灵魂中弥漫:    Like wind and smoke, like poems 或喜   或悲,             Joy or sorrow 或乐   或烦,             Delight or annoyance 全在一壶碧水间。          All rolling in blue water of the kettle 唇齿间暗香在涌动,        Subtle fragrance surging between the teeth 千般滋味在心头盘旋。      Various savors circling in my mind 手捧一盏香茗,            A cup of fragrant tea in hand 氤氲香浓   润心沁肝。     With dense fragrance running my heart 慢煮一壶往事,            Simmering a kettle of past events 淡泊素雅  春色盎然。      Simple yet elegant, spring-like exuberance 愉悦    委屈,            Pleasure and grievance 忧虑    思念,            Worrying and missing 如香茶绵长清淡,          Long lasting like fragrant tea 似岁月缱绻温暖。          Warmly attached like time and tide 流年在飞逝,              Time id flying 季节在变换,              Seasons are changing 茶心不语  情愫不言。      Speechless tesim and sincere feelings 一盏茶品时光不老,        A tea kettle will last forever 一生情愿流年风清云淡。    A life's love seems like soft wind and light cloud