08 无错训练

08 无错训练

2021-04-26    14'58''

主播: 念头正

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E08 硬核练习法3:无错版朗读 2021.03.22 Jimmy 难度:CSE3 课程导读 上节课我们学习了最快速和最慢速练习。相信已经帮助你进入状态了。本节课中,我们将介绍一种新的训练方法:无错版朗读法。一起进入今天的课堂。 英文原文 E08 硬核朗读法 ▍教学目标 无错版朗读、干扰法 ▍无错版朗读 ▴ 核心:练习注意力 ▴ 什么是无错版朗读 朗读时,不出错,不磕巴,有错就重来,直至准确无误。 ▍热身练习 Every now and then, a superstar comes along and the world takes notice. By definition, superstars stand out. This is certainly true of Leonardo da Vinci. He was born in Vinci, Italy, in 1452. He most likely would have attended the university in Florence and studied to be a notary like his well-to-do father. Instead of painting and inventing ways to solve problems, his days would have been busy filling out legal documents. ▍无错版练习 Every now and then, a superstar comes along and the world takes notice. By definition, superstars stand out. This is certainly true of Leonardo da Vinci. He was born in Vinci, Italy, in 1452. He most likely would have attended the university in Florence and studied to be a notary like his well-to-do father. Instead of painting and inventing ways to solve problems, his days would have been busy filling out legal documents. ▴ 自己如何练习无错版朗读 在友邻APP搜索“全才的诞生”,带着耳机跟读朗读版,连跟10遍(不需要一字不落)。熟练以后可以加速。 前提:已经完全理解朗读内容的意思。 ▍干扰训练法 朗读时,旁边一个人问你一些问题。你要回答完,然后再接着继续。 ▍本课小结 ▴ 先吃透一篇文章,再进行无错版朗读练习。 ▴ 每3天练一篇,或者,1篇练一周。 ▴ 外刊就是很好的素材。 ▍课后练习素材 Along the path to becoming a superstar, Da Vinci came into contact with many different types of people. They played important roles in his life as he developed not only as an artist but also as a scientist and inventor.
上一期: 07 快慢 冰火两重天
下一期: 09 坚持朗读