

2017-08-16    08'19''

主播: 跟着欢姐学美语

245 27

感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论留言哦~ 海天考研每日作业 ●Part1 考研核心词汇 reclaim [rɪˈkleɪm] v.取回; 开拓,开垦; 感化; n.改造,感化; 教化; 回收再利用; 收回,取回; recollect [ˌrekəˈlekt] v.记起,想起; 回想,追忆,回忆,记忆; 使(自己)想起一时忘掉的事; 想到; reconcile [ˈrekənsaɪl] v.使和好,使和解; 调停,排解(争端等); rectangle [ˈrektæŋgl] n.[数] 长方形,矩形; rectify [ˈrektɪfaɪ] v.改正,校正; recur [rɪˈkɜ:(r)] v.复发; 重现; 再发生; 回想; redeem [rɪˈdi:m] v.兑现; 偿还; 赎回,挽回; 履行; redundant [rɪˈdʌndənt] adj.多余的,累赘的; (因人员过剩) 被解雇的,失业的; reed [ri:d] n.芦苇; 芦苇杆; reel [ri:l] n.卷轴; 卷筒; 卷盘; v.卷; 绕; 蹒跚,摇晃; 来回旋转; 眩晕; refer [rɪˈfɜ:(r)] v.提到; 针对; 关系到; 请教; 归因于…; 使求助于; 送交; 认为…起源于;参考,查阅; refrain [rɪˈfreɪn] v.抑制,克制; refugee [ˌrefjuˈdʒi:] n.避难者,难民; refund [ˈri:fʌnd] n.资金偿还; 偿还数额; v.退还; 归还或偿还; refute [rɪˈfju:t] v.驳斥,驳倒; 否认真实性; regarding [rɪˈgɑ:dɪŋ] prep.关于; 就…而论; 至于; regardless [rɪˈgɑ:dləs] adv.不顾后果地; 不管怎样,无论如何; 不惜费用地; adj.不重视的,不尊敬的; 不顾虑的,不关心的; 不受注意的,毫无价值的; regime [reɪˈʒi:m] n.政治制度,政权,政体; 管理,方法; region [ˈri:dʒən] n.地区,地域,地带; 行政区,管辖区; (大气,海水等的) 层,界,境; (学问等的) 范围,领域; rehearse [rɪˈhɜ:s] v.排练,排演; 公开练习; 详述; 在排演中指挥; 经训练使熟练掌握; 复述,背诵; reign [reɪn] v.当政,统治; 占主导地位; 想法、情感或氛围盛行,成为最显著的; n.君主的统治; 君主统治时期; 任期; 当政期; rein [reɪn] n.缰绳; 驾驭(法); 统治手段; 控制(权); v.驾驭; 勒缰绳使(马)停步; 严格控制;勒住马; rejoice [rɪˈdʒɔɪs] v.高兴; 欢庆; 使高兴; 使欢喜; relay [ˈri:leɪ] n.传递; 接替人员,替班; 接力赛; v.转播,传达; 分程传递; reliance [rɪˈlaɪəns] n.依靠,依赖; 信任,信赖,信心; 所信赖的人或物; relish [ˈrelɪʃ] v.欣赏; 品尝,品味; 给…加佐料,调味;有滋味; 有…的味道; n.调味品; 味道,滋味; 引起兴趣的东西; remainder [rɪˈmeɪndə(r)] n.剩余物; 其他人员; adj.剩余的; 留存下的; remains [rɪˈmeɪnz] n.遗骨,遗体,残骸,残余,遗迹; 废墟,遗址,遗迹,剩余(物),余额; v.仍然是; 保持; 留下( remain 的第三人称单数); 留待; remnant [ˈremnənt] n.残余; 剩余部分; 幸存者; 零料; adj.残留的; 剩余的; renaissance [rɪˈneɪsns] n.文艺复兴; 文艺复兴时期; 复兴; renovate [ˈrenəveɪt] v.翻新,修复,整修; 革新,更新; 恢复(精神); adj.恢复的,革新的,翻新的; repay [rɪˈpeɪ] v.偿还; 报答; 付还; 酬报; repel [rɪˈpel] v.击退; 抵制; 使厌恶; 使不愉快; repertoire [ˈrepətwɑ:(r)] n.全部节目; 全部本领; (计算机的) 指令表; repression [rɪˈpreʃn] n.压抑; 约束; 抑制,镇压; reproach [rɪˈprəʊtʃ] v.责备,责骂; 使丢脸; 申斥; 损伤…的体面; n.谴责; 责备,责骂; 耻辱,污辱; reptile [ˈreptaɪl] n.爬行动物; 卑鄙的人; adj.爬虫类的; 卑鄙的; request [rɪˈkwest] n.要求; 需要; 所请求的事物; 申请书; v.(下级对上级的) 请求; 请求得到; 索取; resemblance [rɪˈzembləns] n.相似,形似; 外表,外观; 相似物,相似点; 肖像; resent [rɪˈzent] v.怨恨; 愤恨; 厌恶; 对…感到愤怒; ●Part2 真题长难句 while we may be able to sustain the illusion of control through the conscious mind alone, in reality we are continually faced with a question: “Why cannot I make myself do this or achieve that?”(2011翻译第二题) 劈树:本句中共含有三个谓语成分,“may be able to sustain”,“are faced with”,“cannot make”,所以句子以三个谓语为核心切分为三个独立的分句。 第一分句为:while we may be able to sustain the illusion of control through the conscious mind alone; 第二分句为:in reality we are continually faced with a question; 第三分句为:“Why cannot I make myself do this or achieve that?”; 造竹:第一分句为“while”引导的是让步状语从句,第二分句为主句,第三分句为名词“question”的同位语从句。 难词(词组)及在句中的含义: sustain (维持) 第一分句:while we may be able to sustain the illusion of control through the conscious mind alone; “sustain the illusion of control”含义为“维持控制的幻想”; 介词短语“through the conscious mind alone”为从句的方式状语成份,含义为“只需通过有意识的思维”; 第一分句翻译为:尽管我们也许只通过有意识的思维,就能够去维持控制的幻想; 第二分句:in reality we are continually faced with a question; 翻译时可将该“are continually faced with”被动句型翻译为主动句型,即“不断地面临着”; 第二分句翻译为:但事实上,我们不断地面临着一个问题; 第三分句:“Why cannot I make myself do this or achieve that?”; 第三分句翻译为:“为什么我不能使我自己去做这件事,或者成就那件事?”; 原文回顾: while we may be able to sustain the illusion of control through the conscious mind alone, in reality we are continually faced with a question: “Why cannot I make myself do this or achieve that?” 全句翻译为:尽管我们也许只通过有意识的思维,就能够去维持控制的幻想,但事实上,我们不断地面临着一个问题:“为什么我不能使我自己去做这件事,或者成就那件事?” 句式结构考点:让步状语从句,同位语从句,介词短语做状语; 难度级别: 短语背诵: the illusion of  conscious mind in reality are continually faced with a question ●明日预告 This seems a justification for neglect of those in need, and a rationalization of exploitation, of the superiority of those at the top and the inferiority of those at the bottom.(2011翻译第三题) ●智慧点滴 Every sweet has its sour; every evil its good.  甜中总带有酸;恶中也有善