

2020-09-30    05'25''

主播: 花花好多话

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#i2今日一句#日常用语篇 更多精彩内容,关注#i2全外教少儿英语教育#,免费领取有声双语启蒙学习礼包哦~ i2老师教你日常实用口语,我们来学习#孩子日常口语#的英语表达,本期主题——逛超市: 逛超市 Go to the Supermarket 逛完超市,该结账啦!   记得要排队结账哦。 Remember to Line up for checkout.   可以帮妈妈一起啊把东西放收银台吗? Could you help Mom put all the things on the counter?   一共多少钱呀? How much are these altogether?   要怎么付款呢? How would you like to pay? 我要: I’d like to pay: 用现金 in cash. 用银行卡 with a card. 用支付宝/微信 with Alipay/****** pay.   麻烦给我一下小票,谢谢。 Please give me the receipt, thank you.   请给我们一个袋子吗? Could you please give me a bag?   我多买了一盒牛奶。请帮忙退货。 I just bought an extra box of milk. Please return it.