

2016-10-25    03'27''

主播: 农夫翻唱

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翻唱:流月 原唱:流月 普通迪斯科 ordinary disco 词D27 在这普通的一天 this is an ordinary day 我穿着普通的鞋 put on (the) ordinary Converse 很普通地走在这普通的街 walk in the street in an ordinary style 掏出普通的耳机 fish out ordinary earphone 找点普通的感觉 tinker up my feelings to normal 来一首我最爱的普通音乐~ and turn on my favorite ordinary song 普通的disco我们普通的摇 ordinary disco and we shake it oo-off 旁边普通的路人在普通的瞧 ordinary people look at me without a woo-w 我普通的灵魂在普通的出窍 i know it's something just called"out of body",and 在普通的动次打次中普通的燃烧 i lost in dongci-daci,and i burn to the top 【后面的朋友们你们好吗!】 hey budies!in the back row! 【让我看到你们的双手!】 Please show me your hands! 【呜~】 woo~ 【以下是普通的间奏】 【请普通地稍等片刻】 在这普通的一天 this is an ordinary day 我穿着普通的鞋 put on (the) ordinary Converse 很普通地走在这普通的街 walk in the street in an ordinary style 掏出普通的耳机 fish out ordinary earphone 找点普通的感觉 tinker up my feelings to normal 来一首我最爱的普通音乐~ and turn on my favorite ordinary song 踩着普通的鼓点 Step on the ordinary beat 世界随着我旋转 the world just rounds with me 这让我普通地开启单曲循环~ it make me feel good,and i loop the song nonstop 跟着普通的节奏 follow the ordinary rhythm 身体普通的抖动 shake myself ordinarily 这普通的一切都变得不同~ i see all the ordinary become not the same 普通的disco我们普通的摇 ordinary disco and we shake it oo-off 旁边普通的路人在普通的瞧 ordinary people look at me without a woo-w 我普通的灵魂在普通的出窍 i know it's something just called"out of body",and 在普通的动次打次中普通的燃烧 i lost in dongci-daci,and i burn to the top 普通的disco我们普通的摇 ordinary disco and we shake it oo-off 我普通的心在扑通扑通的跳~ my ordinary heart (is) putong-putong as it's still alive 有普通的热情在普通地尖叫 here is a kind of ordinary fervor shouting aloud 在普通的动次打次之中冲上云霄 with the dongci-daci,we fly up high